Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National initiatives

National programmes

  • ANR-GeMCo: The objective of this project is to do model reduction, experimental validation, and control for the gene expression machinery in E. coli. The project is funded by ANR (2010-BLAN-0201-01) and coordinated by M. Chaves.

  • ANR-Facteur 4: The objective of this project to propose non OGM strain of microalgae with enhanced performance. BIOCORE is involved in the directed selection of microalgae with interesting properties from an industrial point of view. The theory of competition is used to give a competitive advantage to some species. This competitive advantage can be provided by an online closed loop controller.

  • ANR-Purple Sun: The objective of this project (ANR-13-BIME-004) is to propose study and optimize a new concept consisting in coupling the production of microalgae with photovoltaic panels. The main idea is to derive the excess of light energy to PV electricity production, in order to reduce both the phenomena of photoinhibition and process overwarming.

  • ANR-FunFit: The objective of this project is to develop a trait-based approach linking individual fitness of fungal plant pathogens to ecological strategies. The idea is to derive eco-epidemiological strategies from fitness optimization in colonized environments and during colonization, as well as understanding the coexistence of sibling species. This project is co-coordinated by F. Grognard.

  • SIGNALIFE: Biocore is part of this Labex (scientific cluster of excellence) whose objective is to build a network for innovation on Signal Transduction Pathways in Life Sciences, and is hosted by the University Nice Sophia Antipolis.

  • RESET: The objective of this project is to control the growth of E. coli cells in a precise way, by arresting and restarting the gene expression machinery of the bacteria in an efficient manner directed at improving product yield and productivity. RESET is an “Investissements d'Avenir” project in Bioinformatics (managed by ANR) and it is coordinated by H. de Jong (Ibis, Inria)

  • FUI-Salinalgue: The objective of this project is to take benefit of endemic microalgae species in areas of high salinity (previously used to produce salt) to produce both biofuel (either lipid based or methane) and co products. BIOCORE is in charge of lab scale experiments and of the modelling of the process.

Inria funding

  • ColAge: The goal of this joint Inria-INSERM consortium is to study bacterial growth and aging by using mathematical modelling and computational predictions to design and implement a de novo biological system. This Large-Scale Initiative Action is partly funded by Inria and supervised by H. Berry (Beagle, Inria).

INRA funding

  • Propagules: INRA-SPE is funding the project “Effet de différentes composantes de la pression de propagules sur le succès d’établissement d’un auxiliaire de lutte biologique" in which BIOCORE is a partner with INRA Sophia Antipolis (2011-2013).

  • Dynamique spatiale: INRA-SPE is funding the project “Intégration des approches comportementales et démographiques de la dynamique spatiale des populations d’insectes” in which Biocore is a partner with INRA Sophia Antipolis and Agrocampus Ouest (2012-2014).

  • Take Control: This project, “Deployment strategies of plant quantitative resistance to take control of plant pathogen evolution,” is funded by the PRESUME call of the SMAcH INRA metaprogram. BIOCORE is a partner together with INRA PACA (Sophia Antipolis and Avignon) and INRA Toulouse (2013-2016). This project will provide the major part of the funding for the experiments held for Elsa Rousseau's thesis.


  • RTP-M3D: BIOCORE is a participant in the RTP-M3D workgroup (Mathématiques et décision pour le développement durable) that is supported by the “Environment and sustainable growth” department of CNRS. L. Mailleret is one of the co-leaders of M3D.

  • GDR PROBBE: The objective of this GDR is the development of new biotechnological processes based on microorganisms producing metabolites which can be used as fuel for transportation (lipids, sugars, methane, hydrogen, ...). BIOCORE is taking part mainly in the modelling and control aspects of the processes involving anaerobic bacteria or microalgae.

  • COREV: BIOCORE is an active participant in the research group COREV (Modèles et théories pour le contrôle de ressources vivantes et la gestion de systèmes écologiques).

  • Seminar: BIOCORE organizes a regular seminar “Modeling and control of ecosystems” at the station zoologique of Villefranche-sur-Mer, at INRA-ISA or at Inria.